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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Not to be Outdone

With BAMA finishing up it's Stadium Expansion and "THE WALK OF CHAMPIONS" Auburn University and some guy named Boob Looud'r announced today that Auburn would be adding a new entrance to their Stadium called "THE MOST AWESOME ENTRANCE THAT IS A WHOLE LOT BETTER THAN UAT"

Evidently the New entrance will include 6 not 5 statues (like BAMA's does which features a 9 foot statue of the 4 Coaches in The University of Alabama'a History that have won a National Championship) - Evidently Auburn has decided to display 6 variants of the greatest Mascots and Deities/Idols throughout history claiming that Auburn was in Egyptian scripture - which is more important than BAMA being in the Bible.

Anyway here is a photo of one of their new 10 foot statues that will grace their entrance.

I would likt to thanks SARGE for Inspiration for this post. He is without a doubt one of the best Posters in the BAMA community.
