I am not an insider at BAMA and I do my best to not post premium info from any other site. To get the most up to date and accurate info on BAMA go to - BAMA on LINE - or - Tider Insider - I enjoy being am a member of both sites as IMHO they are both well worth the money.

Monday, June 26, 2006

SITE Update

I have been real bust updating code on my site. I have added a lot of Video's to The Video section and added a few new features.

Video Section Update
- I have added around 5 or 6 new fan made videos.
- There are now links to Download as well as YouTube Streaming If available.

Check it out - I think you will like it. There is around 2 hours of Video and it can all be viewed by going here.

I have also added 2 Clocks. One is just a regular clock showing everyone the DATE and Time.

the other one is a countdown clock - right now I have it set to the BAMA vs Hawaii Kickoff (assuming 2pm) . As soon as we reach the start of the season I will adjust it to Signing DAY in Feburary 2007.

Lots of other little improvements behind the scenes that should help my site as far as stability and speed. If anyone has anything to suggest as far as improvements please by all means let me know.

Oh and I sure do hope we get some commitments from Hoover this week. Look for updates as soon as it happens.

Roll Tide Roll
